Made from 100% Tasmanian milk
Produced and harvested utilising sustainable farming practices.
Focused on animal welfare and customer satisfaction.

In order to guarantee the quality of our products, we only ship through Express Post and dispatch on Mondays to avoid extended transit times. We recommend that all products are refrigerated on arrival.

Our Story
Our journey in Australia started in a sunny November in 2009 when we arrived in Brisbane to study English as a second language. We thought back then that we could speak some English and very soon we realised we couldn’t. In 2010 our lives took an unexpected turn and due to the political situation back in Venezuela we had to apply for a Protection visa which was granted in October 2011.
Rosselyn and I had both been trained as qualified Vets in Venezuela and it facilitated the process of finding our first job in country Queensland as farm hands on a beef cattle property. Without being aware of it, this job set the foundations of farming for us in a new country filled with opportunities.
Our Farm & Factory
We are located in Smithton, Tasmania, in the very heart of the dairy region of the state. We lease and operate a state of the art robotic dairy. The farm consists of some 29 hectares right on the edge of town where we milk a herd of mixed breed cows. The operation focuses on two main calving seasons during Spring and Autumn, guaranteeing continuous milk flow and composition throughout the year.